Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Tell Him

Tell him what he is doing wrong
Explain why he is alone
Why he never had a relationship
The reasoning behind love's absent
Role in his life
Scrutinize his efforts for perfection
His language proper
Clothing fresh and neat
Open mind and accepting heart
Adventurous, respectable and courteous
How none of these things have worked
How people took advantage of his kindness
Tried to make him weak
Nevertheless he still seeks real love
Still wants real love
Tell him what he is doing wrong
Explain why he is alone

I Miss You, You Say

Funny almost
Amusing when
You say
Each time I reach out to you
That you miss me also
Of course after I said I did
It would be unkind
To do anything else
You would not blatantly hurt me
That is one thing I know
For sure
What I do not know is
How someone that misses something
Never does anything to show
That to be true
If I waited on you to contact me
I would be buried before you did
Do not save my heart from real pain
The wait time kills me anyway
Set me free since I cannot do it myself
Make me leave at least
That shows you did care

Along The Path to Love

Love is a journey
That no one knows but
Everyone remembers
I am now on that path
Took the detour
Down the one way street
Full of bumps, bruises
Little light and much confusion
I was once in a state of bliss
Before I saw the sign
The sign that said love
Was ten miles ahead
Gave me time to contemplate
Whether or not
I did
I will persevere
Something tells me
It will be worth the trek
This journey to love

Jazmine Sullivan

I know that I usually just post my poetry. (Thank you for anyone that has ever read any of my work and I hope that it was inspirational and thought provoking.) But I had to let you all know of a perfectly amazing cd "Fearless" by Jazmine Sullivan. If you love R&B and like music that you will not hear on the radio thirty times a day, then I suggest you PURCHASE her cd pronto!!!! You will not be dissappointed. My favorites are the phenomenal "Lions, Tigers and Bears", the moving "Live A Lie" and the truth "Bust Your Windows".

Future Love

Pleasant dreams
At night
Constant daydreams
I have
My perfection
My perfect mate
Flawless to me
I envision you
Come to me
Become real
So my fantasies can be fulfilled
No white horse or glass slipper
Necessary just
Pure and unadulterated
Future love for me

Sneak Peek

Thanks for the sneak peek
Into what a great relationship
Would look like
I had no clue
That it would even be possible
For me to achieve
But now because of you
I know I can
Give my one hundred percent
Waiting for the one
That gives me the same return