Thursday, February 14, 2008


When will I find the one
That understands all that I do
Now let me say this
I am not perfect
I get many things wrong
You may not believe I am human
I do have this "S" on my chest
But I have more than one kryptonite
This though is about you
And all those like you
That step to us superpeople
Playing games, wasting time
Only prolonging the inevitable
When we are on your planet
We must turnoff our
Super-ears, super-sight, super-speed and much more
Just to appease egos
Why do we learn this lesson the hard way
That red kryptonite is the worst
Fly far away and fast

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Amorous Intentions

And how was I supposed to know
How you felt
Did you ever say anything about it
This was new
With no definition
It is not like we spoke about anything beyond superficial
But whenever we did
I liked what I heard
And wanted to hear more
Wasn't sure if I was falling or not
I had to figure out what to do
Should I tell you or let it go
Continue on with the current flow
Contemplating taking the risk
I like being forward
Either be honest or say nothing
So I decided to tell you
Took you to a neutral zone
Tried to turn small talk to something serious
But the reactions lead me to play it off
Maybe you knew what was ahead
Or maybe afraid to hear what you thought I would say
Just wanted to be real
No pressure
But I just had to tell you
And now that I haven't
I wonder what would have happened if I had