Tuesday, April 29, 2008


You called me beautiful
Peered into my eyes
Talked to my inner child
Made it credible
How could someone so physically flawless
Be so kind to me
Look at me with approval
Not for my beautiful mind
But my external covering
It has to be genuine
I mean you looked me in the eye
So why now days after
Our encounter
Do I feel like
A reject of that model contest
Not worthy of you showing my photo
What shifted your initial view
Awaiting your response to my calls
Or just text something

Mission: Possible

I hear something speak
It comes from inside
Driving me to more
Pushing me to rise
Should I answer the call
Never doubting the feelings
Doubting the world
And its readiness
To see me completely on point
The desire is too strong
For me to ignore
I accept the mission
Now I have 20 seconds
Before the message self destructs


Closing the door
I can taste the leftover
Honey residue
After three and a quarter hours
The physical begs for rest
While longing for more
My mind is in a state of confusion
Did we really just contort our bodies
Like that
I felt so good
Run some water
Splash my face
Open the medicine cabinet
Looking for a band aid
You had to be a biter
Finding some whipped cream
Why do you have it in here
And you said you were new to this
I should have known